Saturday, December 15, 2012

Available online

Jacqueline the Elven Queen is available at and Solerra the Lost Woman is up at BarnesandNoble and will be soon at BAM. I am hoping to have a signing at BAM in York the last weekend in January or the first weekend in February. I will also be at Mudhook Brewing Co. to do a signing in February. Check back for other possible signings. One will probably be in Erie this summer.


  1. Jonas,
    Just wondering if you'd be up for a signing/talk during June's SCI-FI SATURDAY at The York Emporium used book & curiosity shop in downtown York. I'd love to welcome you to join us! Give me a call so we can discuss. Thanks!

    Jim Lewin
    The York Emporium
    343 West Market Street
    York, PA 17401

    1. I will try to call this weekend if that is ok or next week. I would be interested in joining you for the SCI FI SATURDAY. Thank you for letting me know. I will call about the details.
